by: Katelyn Tijerina

No school? Awesome! 

No school? Oh no!

I get to stay home with Dad!

I have to stay home Dad!

This morning Dad made me waffles

I stayed in my room until he dragged 

me out by my shirt

My sister and I played Barbies

I had to take care of my brother because

Dad won’t.

We watched Frozen but I didn’t want to, so I hit my 


Dad went after my brother so I tried to protect


So I got sent to bed early

So I got hurt extra bad today

At least two weeks of this!

At least two weeks of this!

Beware of keeping kids home from school.

Picture from; Fowler. 6th Grade Media Arts: Super Crazy School Lunch,


Hi, I'm Katelyn. I try to post every Friday. I post everything from poems to stories. I love to hear feedback and I hope you like it!

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