Moving On
By: Katelyn Tijerina I see her flowing hair tangling with the air she made me smile just for awhile I forgot your hands on my skin the way we used…
April 17, 2024
By: Katelyn Tijerina It is a glorious summer we laugh until we cry My sunburnt hand meets yours somehow I know it is our last but we are here together…
By: Katelyn Tijerina I'm lying in bed with you The sun peaks through the curtains I look over at you smiling How grateful I am to have you I run…
Do you think of me when I’m not here When I’m not around And I can’t hear Do I wander your thoughts As you do mine When I’m gone Can…
By: Katelyn Tijerina I want to be loved like Crowley loves Aziraphale like John loves Sherlock like Castiel loves Dean because I don't want to face it, Confront it at…